Assistive Technology Examples

We wanted to give readers some concrete examples of the kind of assistive technologies that would benefit from culture-related adaptations. We have selected a robotic arm as an example of an assistive device and a glucose monitoring app as an example of assistive software.

Assistive technology device: Kinova OBI robotic arm self-feeding device

The OBI arm enables people with mobility impairments to feed themselves. The device can be used to assist people who have a variety of impairments, such as Parkinson’s, amputation, neuromuscular conditions, and spinal cord injuries.

The device sits on a tabletop and a caregiver positions the spoon in front of the user’s mouth. The user then has control over food selection and pace. The device will scoop food from one of the individual sections on the plate, and bring it up to the appropriate level in front of the user. View the brochure here.

A side view of the OBI mechanical robot arm holding a spoon.  The base of the arm has a plate containing four sections.
Copyright Kinova, Inc. Used with permission.

Top view of the OBI robotic arm.  It is a white mechanical arm holding a spoon, which is hovering above a plate with four sections.
Copyright Kinova, Inc. Used with permission.

Assistive technology software:
Maxwell Software’s Glucose Companion app

Maxwell Software’s Glucose Companion app is for iOS devices and monitors blood sugar and weight. The app is for people with diabetes. It saves data that enable a person to track their blood sugar levels over time and observe patterns. The data can be shared with others via email.

Screen shot of a glucose monitoring app and its comprehensive reports, which includes graphs related to diabetes management.
A screen shot of a glucose monitoring app and its log of a user's weight and insulin use.
All images copyright Maxwell Software. Used with permission.

Screen shot of a glucose monitoring app and its data log to send via email.